The Opportunity Before Independence Blue Is Tremendous.

Our Vision is to be the greatest business services company in the world, rich in diversity and talent.

Concentrix is an incredible addition to your partner ecosystem that you can count on to continually anticipate and adapt to the dynamic needs of your business.

Independence Blue’s Partnership with Concentrix can result:

Automate Tasks that can/should be automated and leverage technology to facilitate a modern experience

00 - 00%
of FTE reduction potential

Leverage alternate/lower cost locations for labor

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reduction of baseline costs for in-house US/North America based operations

Drive Efficiency within processes
Allows the remaining labor pool to “do more”, faster and with a higher accuracy rate per person than the original state. By focusing on outcomes such as reduction in employee attrition/turnover, reducing training times/increasing “ramp to proficiency”, and reducing error rates in tasks that don’t need to be repeated

An additional

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reduction in costs for operations

Our Promise to Independence Blue

Together, we’ll get you to where you need to be — faster.

Concentrix Is In This With You.

A Different Approach is needed

We’re passionate about bringing next generation improvements to life – today

We will invest in this partnership ecosystem with:

  • Staffing (seeding) competencies in start-up
  • Robust capability to ramp-up much faster should Independence Blue wish to expedite the timeline
  • Our Commitment To You – Concentrix can deliver MILLIONS in savings to your total cost of operations every year